Faye Nichols Test Preparation & Consulting

Over 30 years in the business.


Comprehensive Course

Based on the registration form information, I place students in the appropriate class level:  Beginning, Intermediate, Scholars

This 16-hour course covers all four subject areas with content review, instruction, test analysis, and strategies such as pacing.


Ultimate Course

This 16-hour course is a “next level” course for those who have completed the Faye Nichols COMPREHENSIVE course. Building on the skills mastered in a previous Faye Nichols COMPREHENSIVE course, students push for higher scores with new testing and immediate analysis.

IN-PERSON (if enough request) and ONLINE


Quick Start

This course is “ACT in a nutshell” and provides an overview of Main Concepts and Best Strategies for each subject tested on the ACT. 

There are 5 hours of in-person instruction plus an online guided mock test with answer explanations.

Quick Start participants qualify for a $50 discount on the Comprehensive Course.

Private Tutoring

Most students do not need private coaching and thrive in our leveled classes. PRIVATE COACHING is available to students who have skill deficits, specific learning styles, or schedule conflicts. Our tutors are specialists in their particular subject areas. 

Let us guide you in determining whether private sessions are best before or, (if needed), following the Comprehensive Course. Faye determines which tutor can best meet the needs of each student requiring private instruction.