Please select which class you would like to attend. Classes are listed based on ACT Test Date. Refer to the Course Schedules page for detailed information prior to selecting your choice.
No refunds given within 10 days of the start date of each class.
NOTE - if you are taking our online course and you live outside of our area, your materials will be shipped to you via UPS.
Please select which class you would like to attend. Classes are listed based on ACT Test Date. Refer to the Course Schedules page for detailed information prior to selecting your choice.
No refunds given within 10 days of the start date of each class.
NOTE - if you are taking our online course and you live outside of our area, your materials will be shipped to you via UPS.
Please select which class you would like to attend. Classes are listed based on ACT Test Date. Refer to the Course Schedules page for detailed information prior to selecting your choice.
No refunds given within 10 days of the start date of each class.
NOTE - if you are taking our online course and you live outside of our area, your materials will be shipped to you via UPS.